Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thankfully classes are coming to a close, it won't be long before I'm totally free and can enjoy Sweden without having that nagging feeling of being a slacker. Not that that has stopped me in the past, but still. My paper on Lundellska skolan will be done by the end of the week and hopefully it will say everything I want it to say, though given the sorry state of the weather lately I doubt I will be able to observe the Swedish spring fashions, namely the supposed Muslim girls with spaghetti strap tops and headscarves. That would be anthropological gold.
I had the chance to watch the Eurovision Song Contest last night; Feifei was quite determined that I see it, as it is such an important pan-European cultural event. For those that don't know, imagine American Idol but bigger and, though everyone can sing and perform nicely, the songs and performances themselves are so cheesy and dumb. The best word to describe it is simply "European." The Europeans take it so seriously too, while the real entertainment for me is in making fun of these people. The front pages of all the newspapers have the voting results and how terrible it was the Sweden lost to Finland, totally displacing actual important news. The real reason they won was cuz they were so different from all the other acts and they just stood out the most. My favorite, on account of just how cheeky their act was, was Lithuania: "We Are the Winners of Eurovision". Still wish Zlad had been able to perform, though. I don't think he should be disqualified on account of his country not existing. I mean, Molvania is still fictionally in Europe, yet Israel can perform and they're on the wrong continent! I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but if you have the chance to watch Eurovision, do so by all means. If not for the cultural experience then just for the sake of comedy.


Anonymous said...

YES! You recommend people watching the Eurovision! Mission accomplished. Also, watching it with a non-European was hilarious.

Jinn said...

That does sound pretty reminds me of the Chinese New Year special/variety show that Xuemei would bring tapes of annually, similar cheeky/cheesy.
I suppose Israel is a fictional country to some people as well, huh?