Thursday, May 11, 2006

Alien vs. Predator, with Sanaa Lathan and Lance Hendriksen. This movie wasn't as bad as all the critics had led me to believe. Granted, I wouldn't have wanted to go see it in a theater but it's not something unwatchable. That said, it could have been done better, but that comment hardly makes a movie bad these days. I think it should have taken place in the Aliens time period and not on modern day Earth, but maybe that's just me. They could have gotten rid of a lot of dumb little nits that way. I think if anything will bug you it's the accumulation of little dumb things, like how the girl is running around in Antarctica at night after taking her parka off and doesn't freeze to death. But then again, there aren't many scenes where you can see their breath anyway. Pretty much, if you don't mind the inconsistencies and don't pay too close attention to detail it's an enjoyable film, but nowhere near the level of either the "Aliens" or "Predator" movies.

Sex is Zero, with Ji-won Ha and Chang Jung Lim. My brother got an email from Amazon saying that since he bought Eurotrip, he might be interested in this movie too. Since he got me Eurotrip as a birthday gift I thought I'd check it out. The reviews said it was 5 times funnier than American Pie and equated it with Porky's and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Evidently this person has either never seen this film or has never seen those films, because it's totally beyond me how any rational person could make that claim. The movie definitely tries to follow that format, but goes overboard in some places, crossing the line from funny/gross to just wrong. Like a supposedly funny scene where the main character eats rat poison. The more serious elements of the movie are really dark and not appropriate for a comedy at all. I may have missed the point or am just of the wrong culture, but damn this movie sucks.


Jinn said...

There actually are a few AVP novels that seem to take place in the Aliens setting; they were ok-ish good beer/pretzel scifi in my opinion, but regardless were much better than that movie. Though, interestingly, a friend visited Thailand and noted the movie's popularity there, including life-size statues of the A and P being almost common.

Kevin said...

I actually have read one of those novels and I'd say you've pretty much nailed it: ok-ish.
Y'know, these someone vs. someone movies are generally poor quality cuz they try to fit in a plot when people only want to see the fights. Can't they just have some UFC or Celebrity Deathmatch style 1 hour movie consisting of just battles? AvP, Robocop vs. Terminator and such.

Jinn said... Robocop vs Neo?

Kevin said...

that was actually pretty good.