Saturday, July 02, 2005

Since I'm still new at this blog thing, I'm not sure what form it should take, so I'm borrowing concepts from other people.
The Jacket, with Adrien Brody and Keira Knightley. Interesting idea. I'd be able to enjoy it more if there hadn't been more movies with the same plot. Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy realizes he can time travel with his mind and tries to change the past. Same EXACT concept as Donnie Darko and The Butterfly Effect: Time travel/changing the past/insanity. It was cool the first time around, now it's pretty clear the movie-makers are struggling to keep things fresh.
Here's my theory on the future of film making: either this trend of unoriginality will continue until people start remaking movies that came out the summer before, OR (I'm looking at you, film majors!) the young people who are just about to enter the industry will be so sick of all the recycled ideas they've seen and will have a list in their heads of everything they would like to see in movies so when they are the ones directing and producing films, it will be a cinema renaissance. That's my hope, so get crackin'.

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