Tuesday, July 03, 2007


1408 with John Cusack. A very nice scary movie. The people next to me seemed to disagree, but I think people nowadays think horror movies aren't any good unless you have things jumping out at you every eight seconds or show someone ripped apart with power tools. It was more psychologically terrifying and used the jumping moments to augment the fear rather than relying on them exclusively. What I thought was a very nice touch was one particular scene where Cusack's character is trapped on a ledge on the outside of the building simply because that's almost exactly like a recurring nightmare I had as a child. But as Keith observed, Stephen King presents everyone with their nightmares and if he hasn't yet, he just hasn't gotten around to it. The statement near the end of the movie that it's all a matter of free will was especially chilling. The only thing I was left wondering was how much of what happened in the room actually happened and what was an illusion caused by the room. The ending seemed to answer the question but a lot of the stuff on the tape would still suggest it wasn't all real.

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