Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Clerks 2 with Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson. Aside from a few superfluous scenes, I liked this movie. It adequately carries on the spirit of the original, though, as Kevin Smith tends to do, there is a moral to the story. In that regard it's not as carefree as the original, but it doesn't bog down the movie. It was also kind of odd seeing the Clerks cast aged 10 years and back in the same roles. Also, I would have liked an explanation as to why Randal hates the Transformers so much.

Hostel with Jay Hernandez and Derek Richardson. This movie seemed like Eurotrip from an evil parallel universe. The similarities are uncanny: American college students going to Europe looking for sex, jokes about money belts, the uptight guy getting groped by a creepy guy on a train, ending up in Slovakia and so on. Hell, you could say Cooper’s mix up at Club Vandersexxx is an analogous, albeit lighthearted, version of the main story of this movie. As for this movie, you can pretty easily see it’s a Tarantino flick, what with it’s gruesome violence, endless gore and the obligatory stuttering psychopath. I, for one, am glad I saw this movie after having traveled to Eastern Europe by myself otherwise I might not have been so keen on it.
Which reminds me, while I was in Uppsala I had dinner with some Lithuanian friends of mine and we compared notes on Vilnius. Evidently this one park I walked through several times alone in the middle of the night is a spot where people often get mugged. It was right next to the big building that held the death metal concert I went to. I figure the people saw me come out of there and figured a Lithuanian metalhead is not someone you want to trifle with. Oh, and in Moscow some guy kept trying to get us to follow him behind the club we were waiting to get into. We thought he wanted our money or our organs but after seeing Hostel that opens up a whole new range of possibilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can quite honestly say that i've never thought to myself, "perhaps he wants my organs."

it must be an enthralling experience.