Thursday, September 08, 2005

People rarely actually live through their school nightmares. The only example that I can think of is my AP US History teacher who in college had registered for a class he didn't want, so he dropped it. Only at the end of the year did he learn that he had not been dropped and now had to take a final for a class he had not been to all year. I don't remember how this story ended, whether he talked to the administration and explained that he had in fact dropped the class or, more heroically (and equally likely given his superior intellect) he actually crammed for the final and passed.
You know the nightmare where you have to take a big test and you are handed it and you realize it's in a language you don't understand? Yeah, I did that yesterday for my Swedish placement test. It's to see how much Swedish you know and what class to place you in, it has to be standardized and at the same time challenging for those who have advanced knowledge of Swedish. In the nightmare you normally blunder through multiple choice and fill in the blank questions wondering what fast food establishment you will be sentenced to for failing this test, then you get to the end and see an essay question. Right about then you wake up, but not me. I had to answer an essay question in Swedish, now I don't know if you've ever tried to write an essay without using past tense or any words larger than those in a six year old's vocabulary, but it isn't easy.
I did learn a few things though, for example in that situation you learn Swedish in much the same way that an infant learns language; you see a word used in a certain context over and over so you associate that word with that thing. This only gets you so far because "hot" doesn't mean "don't touch" but that's the context for an infant. I also learned that I completely misunderstood the prompt for one of the essays, and ended up writing about NOTHING! How the hell was I supposed to know it said "compare and contrast"!?


Jinn said...


Anonymous said...

So you've been placed in the beginner's class, then, I take it?

When I did my oral to try and place into a Dutch class, they asked me how my trip to NL was (I think), and my answer was something like:

Good! Airplane long. Me tired. 23 hours! Wow! Me sleep now. Okay?

Not so impressive.