Thursday, August 11, 2005

This new study on babies apparently changes all the previously established ideas on how human infants learn and develop. The lingual abilities demonstrated by infants isn't really new but still amazing. The study only mentioned that the babies could learn two very different languages with the same ease. I wonder if two is the maximum number of languages an infant's brain can process, so they can understand their mother and father if they speak different languages, or if the study just stopped at two. The emotional properties of babies I found to be especially interesting, particularly the fact that the babies are highly empathic and care about the happiness and well-being of other babies. If humans innately care for one another then it's hatred and intolerance that is learned and kindness is true human nature.

Normally I'd be against schools teaching Creationism but in this case I have to make an exception. The Cistine Chapel drawing is one of the funniest thing I've ever seen.

My roommate and I used to decide who or what would win in a fight by writing their names on quarters. Pirates vs. ninjas is a good example. Now it can be done over computer. I give you Googlefight.

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