Sunday, October 12, 2008

Seen It

Eagle Eye with Shia LaBeouf and Michelle Monaghan. This movie is impossible to properly review without SPOILERS!
The concept behind this movie, while becoming increasingly relevant to today's world has been done to death. And while I admit to being entertained I have to say it was by no means an improvement on the concept. Also I wonder to what extent the things that happen in the movie are even feasible. OK, super-powerful AI that has the resources of the US military at its disposal, I get that. But little things like being able to remote activate the eject seat on an F-16, seems like if you network computers on manned vehicles like that you're just asking for an enemy to disable you without firing a shot. Also, as was mentioned in Multiplex, why the AI doesn't just shoot missiles at the White House when it clearly doesn't care about collateral damage is a bit of a plot hole. Other people I went to go see it with were hanging on the edge of their seat, not knowing what was going to happen next. I was not one of those people, I found it to be quite predictable. But then again, when you figure out it's an AI from almost the very beginning the motives and plot become quite clear. Think I, Robot, Terminator, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Deus Ex, Battlestar Galactica and a little bit of Portal thrown in as well. Y'know, the old "AI knows better than the humans and uses the immense power the humans have trustingly given it to take power for itself and may or may not end up killing everyone" routine. The movie would have been better had the AI won and we would have a nation run by a computer. It would have been interesting to see what would become of the world then.

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