Wednesday, May 02, 2007

It burns!

At this moment I'm suffering from the pollen saturated air in Tucson but nevertheless had every intention of writing about how much I had missed the desert in the springtime. Even though the sun is blinding, oppressively hot (and it's not even July) and everything is covered in thorns, it's just so beautiful. It's something I had really missed in Sweden, not to say that I didn't absolutely love Sweden in the spring, but the nature of the, well, nature is completely different. There's no way to compare the two nor a way to combine them. Plus, the scent of the desert in the spring is so compelling but I don't quite know how to describe it. It's spicy, but I don't know if that's just the collective scents of the cacti in bloom or maybe the pollen in the air burning my sinuses. Oddly enough, while some people were near literally incapacitated by their allergies in Sweden, I was perfectly fine. I wonder if you get an immunity to pollen you're not used to and the pollen you are normally exposed to eventually finds your weakness and destroys you.


Anonymous said...

you're letting a little POLLEN destroy you? i had thought better. weakling. ;)

Kevin said...

My theory is that the pollen here, like everything else, has thorns. Not like your pollen which sits around drinking julep.

Jinn said...

Bwa! Tee. Sorry, Stephanie, he got me with 'julep,' that word just makes anything funny. And who insults pollen, really? Heh.