Sunday, March 05, 2006

Wedding Crashers with Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. The movie seemed like a collage of a lot of other romance comedies, yet it was pleasantly distinct and didn't come across as a blatant rip-off. Some parts were a little hokey and the timeframe was definitely not believable for well-adjusted people to fall in love. But hey, willing suspension of disbelief, it was a fun movie to watch. Besides any movie with Christopher Walken and jokes about emo culture is good in my book. And indulging my curiosity, Owen Wilson has only had his nose broken twice: once in high school and again in a football game.

Yesterday was a rock gasque at V-Dala. They're only once a semester and they always attract a big crowd. Like all concerts some of the bands were kind of lame while others were pretty damn good. The food was good and served in very generous portions. It was a smörgåsbord, the first one I've had at a dinner since I came to Sweden, come to think of it. I think my Swedish is definitely improving now, I spoke a fair amount of it at the dinner and afterwards. The music was all local (well, Swedish at least) bands that were mostly indie. As a result there were a bunch of people dressed out in their indie/scene/emo party clothes. I wish I could have taken pictures of these people, truly a sight to behold. I left after Hello Saferide performed, since I didn't think the next band could possibly top them. They were the headliner band, after all. American bands had better get back on the ball, or we'll all be listening to Swedish music pretty soon.

And after a long break, more Flickr photos.

See, I'm genetically predisposed to go to Sweden.


Anonymous said...

So in the past month, you've become genetically modified. And brought much dishonor to your fore-cavemen, no doubt.

Me personally, I liked the sailing boats.

Kevin said...

well she had a band, it wasn't just her by herself onstage. And yes she does have an odd take on the English language. I've realized that no matter how good Swedes are at English, when they sing it, they don't quite get it right. I think the Sounds chick is anomolous because none of the other Swedes singing in English have quite her take on it. "we dön't worry."