Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It’s strange for me to think that one year ago today I was on the other side of the planet contemplating the greater meaning of being 20. Now I’m back here and I think the greater meaning of 21 is less elusive. I remember thinking that my teens were pretty uneventful and lamented not making the most of “the best years of your life”. A friend of mine told me I was wrong; that the best years are in your 20’s. The simple matter-of-factness with which she said that really erased any doubt in my mind.
So I’m one year older, and for the first time, I really feel one year wiser. I’ve learned and experienced so much this past year, even in these past few months. Studying abroad really does make you grow up. After experiencing what it’s like to be totally on my own in a totally new place with no one to help make decisions for me, I really miss it and already want to go back. That said, I’m now enjoying Tucson more than I ever have in my entire life. Sure it’s the world’s biggest small town, but it’s got a certain small town charm to it. Oh, and Eegee’s, can't forget that.
It’s still relatively warm here in Tucson. A high of 76F (24C) today and a low of 44F (7C), but to Tucsonans it’s getting rather cold. I see people bundled up in jackets, girls wearing warm pants and the return of my arch nemesis: ugg boots. Contrast that with Uppsala where last year, just as I opened a birthday care package from my family and took out a scarf, gloves and a beanie, it started to snow. Now that’s timing. While the gloves may have been ill adapted for Swedish winter, those beanies and that scarf really made life easier in my travels.

Tonight I’ll be off to celebrate my 21st in true American fashion. Hopefully my experiences in Uppsala were adequate preparation. Funny, not many people get to have the “old enough to drink” birthday twice. Go me!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, little k! Enjoy your anthropological research tonight. Remember: if you don't wake up the next day vowing to never do that again, you didn't do it right.

Anonymous said...

the orion here is positioned like yours in AZ.

(just a little fyi.)