Friday, October 13, 2006

I'm experiencing little bits of culture shock as I go through the semester, odd things that I see on campus. Notably, the fundies going around campus stopping random people and asking them about their beliefs and trying to guilt trip them into converting. Here's a fun tip: demonstrate any knowledge of the Bible that contradicts what they're trying to sell you and they'll get all defensive. It's good to be back in the US, where I am persecuted for my beliefs and not where I was born. It's a purer form of intolerance, no?
Not too long ago I had lunch with one of the Swedish students at the U of A. It's kind of funny to me that he and the rest of the international students will hang out with each other for the most part with less interaction among natives. When I went abroad I figured I'd be spending most of my time with Swedes, but for the most part I was around international students. It's just a hoot to see that that's exactly what they're doing. It's a strange kind of thing, seeing a strange culture through my eyes, then coming back and seeing those strangers see my world through their eyes.
This guy has evidently embraced American fast food culture totally, he claims that's all he ever eats. I kind of hope he was exaggerating, but I dunno. It's funny that our fast food culture is one of the (MANY) things we're criticized for and he's all for it. Of course, who can't appreciate the fact that a "large" serving in Sweden is ridiculously expensive and has the same amount of food as an American "small" serving? Since he is so interested in absorbing American culture, I offered him some of my root beer. Curious, he sampled my "beer" and predictably, was disgusted. Hilarious, I tell you. He was even more astonished that I drank the whole thing and that it wasn't some kind of practical joke.
Really, it seems only Americans like root beer. It actually reminds me of an episode of Deep Space Nine, where two aliens are at a bar trying to find the appeal in root beer:
Quark: What do you think?
Garak: It's vile.
Q: I know. It's so bubbly and cloying and happy.
G: Just like the Federation.
Q: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you start to like it.
G: It's insidious.
Q: Just like the Federation.

That’s about right, just with America instead of the Federation. And like root beer, if you have enough of America, you do start to like it. Now all I need to do is get the Swedes to appreciate the simple joy of a PBJ.


Anonymous said...

Jesus, bick, are you drunk?

Absolutely one of my favorite memories is the one and only time I went to DSN and we (okay, I) got in a screaming fight with a fundie over whether or not it was wrong of me to have premarital sex. Something about a soul and damnation. In any case, I remember vividly pointing to a ring on my left hand (the peace ring) and yelling nose to nose that my heart is my own and my vows are not for others to judge (except much less articulately).

I don't know what it means that that very ring has now been confiscated into the possession of bick's nonexistent son.

Anonymous said...

Well, whoever he is, he's got my ring.

Kevin said...

I certainly grok the intolerance you felt in Sweden, but I think you may be protesting too much. We are all prejudged by the actions of our nations; to this day, it remains an easy joke to paint Germans as Nazis. Given the temporal proximity of the Bush Administration's misadventures, it is hardly surprising that residents of foreign countries would associate Americans (however individually virtuous) with America.

I take your point, I wasn't exactly burned at the stake. All I'm saying is for a nation of polite, introverted people who don't like arguments, they sure liked picking them with strangers at the dinner table.

"Fast food" isn't just burgers and tacos anymore, especially in the UA Student Union. You've got all sorts of ethnicity represented... in fast food form.

The chief complaint, I think, is not so much that it's not diverse. I don't think a soul would claim America lacks diversity. It's more that it's unhealthy and makes you fat.