Saturday, June 24, 2006

June 24th. Well, it’s been powm now for one whole year. The blog was created specifically so I could chronicle my adventures in Sweden. In fact today is the (in)famous Swedish Midsummer and I should be out partying. I definitely plan to keep up the blog after I come back to the States, though. The reverse culture shock alone should be worth an entry or two.For those that don’t know (or those that have forgotten) “That’s it! Now it’s powm!” was something I used to say as a child. It is said in anger or frustration with the implication (but rarely actual use) of physical violence of some sort. Powm I believe is a reference to “Pow!” the onomatopoeia for impacts/punches. I decided it would be a good name for my blog simply because I wanted a title that would be a personal reflection of me. I thought it should be something to refer to whatever thoughts might pop into my head but the ideas for titles seemed too faux intellectual. In the end I decided on a title I can truly call my own. So yes, happy birthday blog! May there be many more posts in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this makes you king of blog dorks.
